Monday, December 1, 2008

My Hope Singapore

Updates on My Hope:

Date: 13 Dec 2008, Saturday
Time: 6pm onwards (dinner included)
Venue: Serene's place function room (tentatively)

-Games (eg. Win, lose or draw)
-DVD showing
-Testimonial sharing

Action plan:
1. Each person to start inviting friends, hopefully we will get about 2 friends per person, but invite as the Holy Spirit leads you
2. Each person to prepare a short testimonial of about 3 min briefly sharing why you believed, and how being a Christian has changed you (in case your friend asks you on that day or for future use)
3. Ask Ps. Kieren about budget for catering, settle catering and venue booking - Serene
4. Choose some songs for Christmas caroling - Paul
5. Plan some games (including backup)
6. Prepare/buy prizes for the games
7. Prepare door gifts - Sarah

There will be no bible study next week, but we will meet and practise the Christmas carols for the party and discuss more on the party.

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